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Working Papers

Attention Faculty!
Please send your submissions to the Series editor Peter Fuleky referring to the Economics Department's working paper submission guidelines. Mahalo!


2024 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
24-02 Mark A. DeWeaver and James A. Roumasset Partnership for Better or for Worse: Keeping Share Tenants on the Farm
24-01 Yoko Ibuka and Junya Hamaaki Income Receipt, Economic Activities, and Health: Evidence from Ambulance Transport Patterns


2023 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
23-10 Isa Hafalir, Onur Kesten, Katerina Sherstyuk, and Cong Tao When Speed is of Essence: Perishable Goods Auctions
23-09 Le Thanh Binh Effect of Peer Information and Peer Communication on Working Performance
23-08 Harrison Chang, Timothy J. Halliday, Ming-Jen Lin, and Bhashkar Mazumder Estimating Intergenerational Health Transmission in Taiwan with Administrative Health Records
23-07 Nicole Siegal Exposure to Deaths of Despair and U.S. Presidential Election Outcomes
23-06 James Roumasset Lexicographic Ordering and Loss Aversion among Low-Income Farmers
23-05 Tao Liu, Dong Lu, and Liang Wang Hegemony or Harmony? A Unified Framework for the International Monetary System
23-04 Inessa Love, Eliana Carranza, and Chandra Dhakal Female Entrepreneurship: A New Taxonomy of Drivers
23-03 Inessa Love, Boris Nikolaev, and Chandra Dhakal The Well-being of Women Entrepreneurs: The Role of Gender Inequality and Gender Roles
23-02 Miroslav Gabrovski, Athanasios Geromichalos, Lucas Herrenbrueck, Ioannis Kospentaris, and Sukjoon Lee The real effects of financial disruptions in a monetary economy
23-01 Miroslav Gabrovski and Mario Rafael Silva Unemployment and Labor Productivity Co-movement: the Role of Firm Exit


2022 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
22-04 Cheol Kon Park and Sang-Hyop Lee Health Capacity to Work at Older Ages: Evidence from the Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China
22-03 Timothy J. Halliday, Rachel Inafuku, Lester Lusher, and Aureo de Paula VOG: Using Volcanic Eruptions to Estimate the Impact of Air Pollution on Student Learning Outcomes
22-02 Benjamin C. Chu Who Did the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion Impact? Using Linear Discriminant Analysis to Estimate the Probability of Being a Complier
22-01 Rachel Inafuku Only the Fit Survive Recessions: Estimating Labor Market Penalties for the Obese Over the Business Cycle


2021 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
21-06 Han Han Peking, Benoit Julien, and Liang Wang On the Robustness of Pricing Mechanisms
21-05 Miroslav Gabrovski and Victor Ortego-Marti On the Slope of the Beveridge Curve in the Housing Market
21-04 Kyeongkuk Kim, Sang-Hyop Lee, and Timothy J. Halliday Paid Childcare Leave, Fertility, and Female Labor Supply in South Korea
21-03 Majah-Leah Ravago, James Roumasset, and Arsenio Balisacan Adapting Competition Law and Policy for Economic Development: Asian Illustrations
21-02 Theresa M. Greaney and Ayumu Tanaka Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data
21-01 Panka Bencsik, Timothy J. Halliday, and Bhashkar Mazumder The Intergenerational Transmission of Mental and Physical Health in the United Kingdom


2020 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
20-25 Theresa M. Greaney and Ayumu Tanaka Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data
20-24 Wolfgang Keller, Teresa Molina, and William W. Olney The Gender Gap Among Top Business Executives
20-23 Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix Understanding the Gains to Capitalists from Colonization: Lessons from Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Karl Marx and Edward Gibbon Wakefield
20-22 Peter Fuleky Nowcasting the Trajectory of the COVID-19 Recovery
20-21 Anna Lou Abatayo, John Lynham and Katerina Sherstyuk Communication, Expectations and Trust: an Experiment with Three Media
20-20 Nathan DeMaagd and Michael J. Roberts How Will Climate Change Affect Water Demand? Evidence from Hawaii Microclimates
20-19 Nathan DeMaagd and Michael J. Roberts Estimating water demand using price differences of wastewater services
20-18 Katerina Sherstyuk, Krit Phankitnirundorn, and Michael J. Roberts Randomized Double Auctions: Gains from Trade, Trader Roles, and Price Discovery
20-17 Miroslav Gabrovski and Ioannis Kospentaris Intermediation in Over-the-Counter Markets with Price Transparency
20-16 L. Vanessa Smith, Nori Tarui, and Takashi Yamagata Global fossil fuel consumption and carbon pricing: Forecasting and counterfactual analysis under alternative GDP scenarios
20-15 William W. Olney Intra-African Trade
20-14 William W. Olney Cabotage Sabotage? The Curious Case of the Jones Act
20-13 Kyeongkuk Kim, Sang-Hyop Lee, and Timothy J. Halliday Intra-Familial Transfers, Son Preference, and Retirement Behavior in South Korea
20-12 Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix Australia’s Forgotten Copper Mining Boom: Understanding How South Australia Avoided Dutch Disease, 1843-1850
20-11R Arlan Brucal and Nori Tarui Revenue Decoupling for Electric Utilities: Impacts on Prices and Welfare
20-10R Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix Did Speculation in Land Pay Off for British Investors? Buying and Selecting Land in South Australia, 1835-1850
20-09R Kazunobu Hayakawa, Jota Ishikawa, and Nori Tarui What Goes Around Comes Around: Export-Enhancing Effects of Import-Tariff Reductions
20-08 Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix South Australia’s Employment Relief Program for Assisted Immigrants: Promises and Reality, 1838-1843
20-07 James Roumasset Clubs, Coase, and the Role of Government
20-06 Jaerim Choi Two-Sided Heterogeneity, Endogenous Sharing, and International Matching Markets
20-05 Theresa M. Greaney and Kozo Kiyota Japan’s Outward FDI Potential
20-04 Inessa Love Entrepreneurial Access to Finance in the US
20-03R Jaerim Choi and Theresa M. Greaney Global Influences on Gender Inequality: Evidence from Female Employment in Korea
20-02 Theresa M. Greaney and Kozo Kiyota The Gravity Model and Trade in Intermediate Inputs
20-01 Liang Wang, Randall Wright, and Lucy Qian Liu Sticky Prices and Costly Credit


2019 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
19-13 Jaerim Choi and Mingzhi Xu The Labor Market Effects of the China Syndrome: Evidence from South Korean Manufacturing
19-12 Jaerim Choi The Global Value Chain under Imperfect Capital Markets
19-11 Kozo Kiyota, Toshiyuki Matsuura, and Yoshio Higuchi Multinationals, Intrafirm Trade, and Employment Volatility
19-10 Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix Prices, Wages, and Welfare in Early Colonial South Australia, 1836-1850
19-09 Han Han, Benoît Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang Asset Liquidity and Indivisibility
19-08 Jaerim Choi and Theresa Greaney Global Influences on Gender Inequality: Evidence from Female Employment in Korea
19-07 Michael R.M. Abrigo, Timothy J. Halliday, and Teresa Molina Expanding Health Insurance for the Elderly of the Philippines
19-06 Ichiroh Daitoh and Nori Tarui Open Access Renewable Resources, Urban Unemployment, and the Resolution of Dual Institutional Failures
19-05R Timothy J. Halliday, Tetine Sentell, Megan Inada, Randall Q. Akee, and Jill Miyamura The Impact of Public Health Insurance on Medical Utilization in a Vulnerable Population: Evidence from COFA Migrants
19-04 Majah-Leah V. Ravago, Arlan Zandro I. Brucal, James Roumasset, and Jan Carlo Punongbayan The Role of Electricity Prices in Structural Transformation: Evidence from the Philippines
19-03 Ashley Wong, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Timothy J. Halliday The Intergenerational Transmission of Health in the United States: A Latent Variables Analysis
19-02 Miroslav Gabrovski and Jang-Ting Guo Progressive Taxation, Nominal Wage Rigidity, and Business Cycle Destabilization
19-01 Teresa Molina and Ivan Rivadeneyra The Labor Market Effects of Eliminating University Tuition in Ecuador


2018 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
18-14 Arlan Brucal and Nori Tarui Revenue Decoupling for Electric Utilities: Impacts on Prices and Welfare
18-13 Miroslav Gabrovski Simultaneous Innovation and the Cyclicality of R&D
18-12 Kyeongkuk Kim, Sang-Hyop Lee, and Timothy J. Halliday Health Shocks, the Added Worker Effect, and Labor Supply in Married Couples: Evidence from South Korea
18-11 Miroslav Gabrovski and Victor Ortego-Marti Search and Credit Frictions in the Housing Market
18-10 Miroslav Gabrovski Coordination Frictions and Economic Growth
18-9 Edwyna Harris and Sumner La Croix Did Speculation in Land Pay Off for British Investors? Buying and Selecting Land in South Australia, 1835-1850
18-8 Kazunobu Hayakawa, Jota Ishikawa, and Nori Tarui What Goes Around Comes Around: Export-Enhancing Effects of Import-Tariff Reductions
18-7 Arlan Brucal and Michael J. Roberts Not All Regions Are Alike: Evaluating the Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Local and Aggregate Economies
18-6 Andrew Beckmann Conflict Over Transnational River Resources: An Applied Game Theoretic Analysis
18-5 Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj, and Katerina Sherstyuk Cultural values and behavior in dictator, ultimatum and trust games: an experimental study
18-4 Kyeongkuk Kim, Sang-Hyop Lee, and Timothy J. Halliday The Betrayed Generation? Intra-Household Transfers and Retirement Behavior in South Korea
18-3 Imelda, Matthias Fripp, and Michael J. Roberts Variable Pricing and the Cost of Renewable Energy
18-2 Sumner La Croix The Khoikhoi Population, 1652-1780: A Review of the Evidence and Two New Estimates
18-1 Raymond Robertson, Timothy J Halliday, and Sindhu Vasireddy Labor Market Adjustment to Third Party Competition: Evidence from Mexico


2017 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
17-6 Alan Dye and Sumner La Croix From Land Grants to Loan Farms: Property Rights and the Extent of Settlement in Dutch South Africa, 1652-1750
17-5 Han Han, Benoit Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang Asset Pricing Equilibria with Indivisible Goods
17-4 Phuc Luong, Lester Lusher, and Vasil Yasenov Sleep and Student Success: The Role of Regularity vs. Duration
17-3R Chenggang Wang, Huixia Wang, and Timothy J. Halliday Health and Health Inequality during the Great Recession: Evidence from the PSID
17-2 Ruben Juarez and Kohei Nitta Profit-Sharing and Implementation of Efficient Outcomes
17-1 Baybars Karacaovali and Deveraux Talagi International Trade Effects of Trans-Pacific Partnership for North America


2016 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
16-25R Arlan Brucal and Michael Roberts Do Energy Efficiency Standards Hurt Consumers? Evidence from Household Appliance Sales
16-24 Theresa Greaney and Baybars Karacaovali Trade, Growth and Economic Inequality in the Asia-Pacific Region: Lessons for Policymakers
16-23R Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Benoît Julien, and Liang Wang Competitive Search with Ex-post Opportunism
16-22 Sumner La Croix The Decline of the Khoikhoi Population, 1652-1780: A Review and a New Estimate
16-21 Soojin Kim and Serena Rhee Measuring the Effects of Employment Protection Policies for the Disabled: Theory and Evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act
16-20R Tim Halliday, John Lynham, and Aureo de Paula Vog: Using Volcanic Eruptions to Estimate the Health Costs of Particulates
16-19 Baybars Karacaovali and Chrysostomos Tabakis Wage Inequality Dynamics and Trade Exposure in South Korea
16-18 Baybars Karacaovali Access to Finance in Turkey
16-17 Byron Gangnes and Ari Van Assche Global Value Chains and Changing Trade Elasticities
16-16R Liang Wang Endogenous Search, Price Dispersion, and Welfare
16-15 Huixia Wang, Chenggang Wang, and Timothy J. Halliday Health and Health Inequality During the Great Recession: Evidence from the PSID
16-14 Liang Wang, Randall Wright, and Lucy Qian Liu Money and Credit: Theory and Applications
16-13 Majah-Leah Ravago and James Roumasset The Public Economics of Electricity Policy with Philippine Applications
16-12R Peter Fuleky, Luigi Ventura, and Qianxue Zhao Common Correlated Effects and International Risk Sharing
16-11 Ashley Hirashima, James Jones, Carl S. Bonham, and Peter Fuleky Nowcasting Tourism Industry Performance Using High Frequency Covariates
16-10R Ana Lou Abatayo, John Lynham, and Katerina Sherstyuk Facebook to Facebook: Online Communication and Economic Cooperation
16-9 John Lynham Identifying Peer Effects Using Gold Rushers
16-8R Han Han, Benoît Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang Credit, Money and Asset Equilibria with Indivisible Goods
16-7R Pere Gomis-Porqueras, Benoit Julien, and Liang Wang Competitive Search with Ex-post Opportunism
16-6 Ashley Hirashima Ban the Box: The Effects of Criminal Background Information on Labor Market Outcomes
16-5 James Mak State Aid to Local Governments: How Hawaii’s State Government Shares Transient Accommodation Tax Revenues With Its Local Governments
16-4 Pere Gomis-Porqueras, Benoit Julien, and Liang Wang Competitive Search with Ex-post Opportunism
16-3 Katerina Sherstyuk, Nina Karmanskaya, and Pavel Teslia Bidding with money or action plans? Asset allocation under strategic uncertainty
16-2 Michael R.M. Abrigo and Inessa Love Estimation of Panel Vector Autoregression in Stata: a Package of Programs
16-1 Han Han, Benoît Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang Credit, Money and Asset Equilibria with Indivisible Goods


2015 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
15-15 Majah-Leah V. Ravago and James A. Roumasset Rethinking Baselines: An Efficiency-based Approach to Better REDD+ Governance
15-14 Jota Ishikawa and Nori Tarui Backfiring with backhaul problems: Trade and Industrial Policies with Endogenous Transport Costs
15-13 Anna Lou Abatayo, John Lynham, and Katerina Sherstyuk Facebook-to-Facebook: Online Communication and Economic Cooperation
15-12 A. Nam Tran, David Lobell, Michael J. Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker, and Jarrod R. Welch Commodity Prices and Volatility in Response to Anticipated Climate Change
15-11 Chaning Jang and John Lynham Where Do Social Preferences Come From?
15-10 Karl Jandoc and Michael Roberts Balancing Opportunities and Costs in Hawaii’s Increasingly Green Grid
15-9R Ekaterina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, Majah-Leah Ravago, and Tatsuyoshi Saijo Intergenerational Games with Dynamic Externalities and Climate Change Experiments
15-8 Timothy Halliday and Wayne Liou By the Time I Get to Arizona: Estimating the Impact of the Legal Arizona Workers Act on Migrant Outflows
15-7 Barrett Kirwan and Michael Roberts Who Really Benefits from Agricultural Subsidies? Evidence from Field-level Data
15-6 Arlan Brucal and Michael Roberts Can Energy Efficiency Standards Reduce Prices and Improve Quality? Evidence from the US Clothes Washer Market
15-5 Lucy Qian Liu, Liang Wang, and Randall Wright Costly Credit and Sticky Prices
15-4 Timothy Halliday, John Lynham, and Aureo de Paula Vog: Using Volcanic Eruptions to Estimate the Health Costs of Particulates and SO2
15-3 James Mak Creating “Paradise of the Pacific”: How Tourism Began in Hawaii
15-2 Anders Frederiksen and Timothy Halliday Why are there so few women in executive positions? An analysis of gender differences in the life-cycle of executive employment
15-1 Baybars Karacaovali Varying Political Economy Weights of Protection: The Case of Colombia


2014 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
14-29R Liang Wang Endogenous Search, Price Dispersion, and Welfare
14-28 Benoit Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang Monetary Equilibria with Indivisible Goods
14-27 Katerina Sherstyuk, Dolgorsuren Dorj, and Gerard Russo Health Insurance and the Labor Market with Wage Rigidities: Insights from a Laboratory Experiment
14-26 Timothy Halliday and Bhashkar Mazumder A Bayesian Analysis of Sibling Correlations in Health
14-25 Davide Gandolfi, Timothy Halliday, and Raymond Robertson Trade, Migration, and the Place Premium: Mexico and the United States
14-24 Inna Cintina and Inessa Love The Miracle of Microfinance Revisited: Evidence from Propensity Score Matching
14-23 Inessa Love, Roberto Rocha, Erik Feyen, Samuel Munzele Maimbo, and Raquel Letelier Who is to Blame: Foreign Ownership or Foreign Funding?
14-22 Inessa Love, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, and Sandeep Singh Collateral Registries for Movable Assets: Does Their Introduction Spur Firms' Access to Bank Finance?
14-21 James Roumasset Reflections on the Foundations of Development Policy Analysis
14-20 Theresa M. Greaney and Yao Li Examining Determinants of Foreign Wage Premiums in China
14-19 John Lynham, Kohei Nitta, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, and Nori Tarui Why does real-time information reduce energy consumption?
14-18 Chad P. Bown, Baybars Karacaovali, and Patricia Tovar What Do We Know About Preferential Trade Agreements and Temporary Trade Barriers?
14-17 James Roumasset and Christopher Wada Energy, backstop endogeneity, and the optimal use of groundwater
14-16 Karl Jandoc, Ruben Juarez, and James Roumasset Towards an Economics of Irrigation Networks
14-15 Karl Jandoc, Richard Howitt, James Roumasset, and Christopher A. Wada Institutions for Managing Ground and Surface Water and the Theory of the Second-Best
14-14 James Roumasset and Christopher Wada Integrated Groundwater Resource Management
14-13 Timothy Halliday Unemployment and Mortality: Evidence from the PSID
14-12 Michael Livingston, Michael J. Roberts, and Yue Zhang Optimal Sequential Plantings of Corn and Soybeans Under Price Uncertainty
14-11 Sang-Hyop Lee and Sumner La Croix Does Versatility Matter in Match-Play Sports? Evidence from Sumo Wrestling
14-10 Michael J. Roberts, Erik O’Donoghue, and Nigel Key Separating Moral Hazard from Adverse Selection: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program
14-9 Daniel Hellerstein, Nathaniel Higgins, and Michael J. Roberts Using Quotas to Enhance Competition in Asymmetric Auctions: A Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Outcomes
14-8 Ming Liu and Sumner La Croix A Cross-Country Index of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Innovations
14-7 Ming Liu and Sumner La Croix The Impact of Stronger Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals on Innovation in Developed and Developing Countries
14-6 Sumner La Croix Land Confiscations and Land Reform in Natural-Order States
14-5 Davide Gandolfi, Timothy Halliday, and Raymond Robertson Globalization and Wage Convergence: Mexico and the United States
14-4 Katerina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, Melinda Podor Wengrin, Jay Viloria, and Tatsuyoshi Saijo Other-regarding behavior under collective action
14-3 Kohei Nitta The Effect of Income Heterogeneity in An Experiment with Global and Local Public Goods
14-2 Inna Cintina and Morgen S. Johansen The Effect OF Plan B on Teen Abortions: Evidence from the 2006 FDA Ruling
14-1 Byron S. Gangnes, Alyson C. Ma, and Ari Van Assche Global value chains, Trade elasticities, Supply chain effect, Composition effect


2013 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
13-21 Baybars Karacaovali Trade-Diverting Free Trade Agreements, External Tariffs, and Feasibility
13-20 Ekaterina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, and Tatsuyoshi Saijo Inter-Generational Games with Dynamic Externalities and Climate Change Experiments
13-19R Inna Cintina Behind-the-counter, but Over-the-border? The Assessment of the Geographical Spillover Effect of Increased Access to Emergency Contraception
13-18 Timothy Halliday and Sumner La Croix Sons, Daughters, and Labor Supply in Early Twentieth-Century Hawaii.
13-17 Morihiro Yomogida and Nori Tarui Emission Taxes and Border Tax Adjustments for Oligopolistic Industries
13-16R Peter Fuleky and Carl S. Bonham Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Factor Models in the Presence of Common Trends
13-15R Peter Fuleky, L. Ventura, and Qianxue Zhao Common Correlated Effects and International Risk Sharing
13-14R Peter Fuleky, Carl S. Bonham, and Qianxue Zhao Estimating Demand Elasticities in Non-Stationary Panels: The Case of Hawaii Tourism
13-13 Ming Liu and Sumner La Croix A Cross-Country Index of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Innovations
13-12 Sumner La Croix and Lauren Gabriel The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on Hawai'i's Economy and Government: An Update After the U.S. Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Decisions
13-11R Alan Dye and Sumner La Croix The Political Economy of Land Privatization in Argentina and Australia, 1810-1850: A Puzzle
13-10 Inessa Love and Rima Turk Ariss Macro-Financial Linkages in Egypt: A Panel Analysis of Economic Shocks and Loan Portfolio Quality
13-9R Inna Cintina The Effect of Minimum Legal Drinking Age on the Incidence of First Pregnancy and Its Outcome
13-8 Inna Cintina Behind-the-counter, but Over-the-border? The Assessment of the Spillover Effect of Increased Availability of Emergency Contraception in Washington on Neighboring States
13-7 Yoshifumi Konishi and Nori Tarui Intra-Industry Reallocations and Long-run Impacts of Environmental Regulations
13-6 Theresa Greaney and Yao Li Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Inequality in China: A Heterogeneous Firms Approach
13-5 Peter Fuleky and Carl S. Bonham Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Samples: The Case of Common Trends
13-4 Peter Fuleky, L. Ventura, and Qianxue Zhao Common correlated effects and international risk sharing
13-3 Carl S. Bonham, Peter Fuleky, and Qianxue Zhao Estimating Demand Elasticities in Non-Stationary Panels: The Case of Hawaii Tourism
13-2 Sumner La Croix and Lauren Gabriel The Impact of Same-Sex marriage on Hawaii's Economy and Government
13-1 Anthony M. Kwasnica and Katerina Sherstyuk Multi-Unit Auctions


2012 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
12-21 Randall Q. Akee, Timothy J. Halliday, and Sally Kwak The Social Impact of Fiscal Crisis: Investigating the Effects of Furloughing Public School Teachers on Juvenile Crime in Hawaii
12-20R Baybars Karacaovali Trade Policy Determinants and Trade Reform in a Developing Country: The Case of Colombia
12-19 John Lynham How Have Catch Shares Been Allocated?
12-18 John Lynham Ecomarkets For Conservation And Sustainable Development in the Coastal Zone
12-17 John Lynham and Ilan Noy Disaster in Paradise: A Preliminary Investigation of the Socio-Economic Aftermaths of Two Coastal Disasters in Hawaii
12-16 John Lynham, Ilan Noy, and Jonathan Page The 1960 Tsunami in Hawaii: Long Term Consequences of Costal Disaster
12-15 Shawn Arita, Sumner La Croix, and James Mak How China's Approved Destination Status Policy Spurs and Hinders Chinese Travel Abroad
12-14 Timothy J. Halliday Unemployment and Mortality: Evidence from the PSID
12-13 Yothin Jinjarak, Ilan Noy, and Huanhuan Zheng Capital Controls in Brazil - Stemming a Tide with a Signal
12-12 Shawn Arita, Sumner La Croix, and James Mak How Big? The Impact of Approved Destination Status on Mainland Chinese Travel Abroad
12-11 James Roumasset and Christopher Wada The Economics of Groundwater
12-10R Timothy J Halliday, Hui He, and Hao Zhang Health Investment over the Life-Cycle
12-9 Timothy J Halliday A Note on the Asymptotic Variance of Sample Roots
12-8 Gerard Russo, Jaclyn R.K. Lindo, Sang-Hyop Lee, Rui Wang, Thamana Lekprichakul, and Abdul Jabbar The Impact of State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Expansion on Health Insurance Coverage in Hawaii
12-7 Alan Dye and Sumner La Croix The Political Economy of Land Privatization in Argentina and Australia, 1810-1850.
12-6 Inna Cintina The Effect of Minimum Legal Drinking Age Restrictions on Teenage Pregnancy and Pregnancy Outcomes
12-5 Olga Bogach and Ilan Noy Fire-Sale FDI? The Impact of Financial Crisis on Foreign Direct Investment
12-3R Ruben Juarez and Rajnish Kumar Implementing Efficient Graphs in Connection Networks
12-2 Ruben Juarez Group Strategyproof Cost Sharing: The Role of Indifferences
12-1 Ilan Noy Natural Disasters and Economic Policy for the Pacific Rim


2011 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
11-19 Byron Gangnes and Ari Van Assche Product Modularity and the Rise of Global Value Chains: Insights from the Electronics Industry
11-18 Katerina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, and Tatsuyoshi Saijo Payment Schemes in Infinite-Horizon Experimental Games
11-17 Timothy J. Halliday Earnings Growth and Movements in Self-Reported Health
11-16 Ming Liu and Sumner LaCroix The Impact of Stronger Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals on Innovation in Developed and Developing Countries
11-15 Baybars Karacaovali Trade Policy Determinants and Trade Reform in a Developing Country
11-14 Sumner LaCroix and Akihiko Kawaura Integration of North and South American Players in Japan's Professional Baseball Leagues
11-13 Liang Wang Inflation and Welfare with Search and Price Dispersion
11-12 Kimberly Burnett, Lee Endress, Majah-Leah Ravago, James Roumasset, and Christopher Wada Islands of Sustainability in Time and Space
11-11 Peter Fuleky On the Choice of the Unit Period in Time Series Models
11-10 Peter Fuleky and Carl Bonham Forecasting Based on Common Trends in Mixed Frequency Samples
11-9 Peter Fuleky and Eric Zivot Indirect Inference Based on the Score
11-8 Timothy Halliday Health Inequality over the Life-Cycle
11-7 Baybars Karacaovali Turkey: Temporary Trade Barriers as Resistance to Trade Liberalization with the European Union?
11-6 Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj, and Katerina Sherstyuk Cultural values and behavior in dictator, ultimatum, trust games: an experimental study
11-5R James Roumasset and Christopher Wada Ordering Renewables: Groundwater, Recycling, and Desalination
11-4 Olga Bogach and Andreas Leibbrandt An Experimental Study on the Relevance and Scope of Culture as a Focal Point
11-3 Akihiko Kawaura Corporate Failure, Supply Shocks and Government Bailouts: A Case Study of Aloha Airlines
11-2 Katerina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, and Majah-Leah Ravago Payment Schemes in Random-Termination Experimental Games
11-1 Denise Eby Konan and Keith E. Maskus Preferential Trade and Welfare with Differentiated Products


2010 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
10-26 F. Gerard Adams & Byron Gangnes The Employment Effects of Fiscal Policy: How Costly Are ARRA Jobs?
10-25 Christopher Edmonds & Yao Li A New Perspective On China Trade Growth: Application Of A New Index Of Bilateral Trade Intensity
10-23 Kyle Hampton & Katerina Sherstyuk Demand Shocks, Capacity Coordination and Industry Performance: Lessons from Economic Laboratory
10-22 Ruben Juarez & Rajnish Kumar Implementing Efficient Graphs in Connection Networks
10-21 Thomas Kaeo Duarte & Sittidaj Pongkijvorasi & James Roumasset & Daniel Amato & Kimberly Burnett Optimal Management of a Hawaiian Coastal Aquifer with Near-Shore Marine Ecological Interactions
10-20 Denise Konan Limits to Growth: Tourism and Regional Labor Migration
10-20 Timothy Halliday & Hui He & Hao Zhang Health Investment over the Life-Cycle
10-19 Carl Bonham & Call Wiemer Chinese Saving Dynamics: The Impact of GDP Growth and the Dependent Share
10-18 Oscar Becerra & Eduardo Cavallo & Ilan Noy In the Aftermath of Large Natural Disasters, what happens to foreign aid?
10-17 Hui He & Hao Zhang A Note on a Rapid Grid Search Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics
10-16 Hui He Why Have Girls Gone to College? A Quantitative Examination of the Female College Enrollment Rate in the United States: 1955-1980
10-15 James Roumasset & Nori Tarui Governing the Resource: Scarcity-Induced Institutional Change
10-14 Akihiko Kawaura Self-Serving Mayors and Local Government Consolidations in Japan
10-13 James Roumasset & Christopher Wada Optimal Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Recycled Wastewater
10-12 Nicholas Burger & Gary Charness & John Lynham Field and Online Experiments on Procrastination and Willpower
10-11 James Roumasset & Christopher Wada Optimal Provision and Finance of Ecosystem Services: the Case of Watershed Conservation and Groundwater Management
10-10 F. Gerard Adams & Byron Gangnes Why Hasn’t the US Economic Stimulus Been More Effective? The Debate on Tax and Expenditure Multipliers
10-09 James Roumasset & Christopher Wada Optimal and Sustainable Groundwater Extraction
10-08 Sumner La Croix & Kimberly Burnett The Impact of Civil Unions on Hawai`i’s Economy and Government
10-07 Melinda Podor & Timothy Halliday Health Status and the Allocation of Time
10-06 Eduardo Cavallo & Sebastian Galiani & Ilan Noy & Juan Pantano Catastrophic Natural Disasters and Economic Growth
10-05 Akihiko Kawaura & Sumner La Croix The Designated Hitter Rule in Baseball as a Natural Experiment
10-04 Byron Gangnes & Ari Van Assche Global Production Networks in Electronics and Intra-Asian Trade
10-03 James Roumasset Wither The Economics of Agricultural Development?
10-02 Byron Gangnes Alternative Policies for US Economic Recovery
10-01 Kimberly Burnett & Sumner La Croix The Dog ATE my Economics Homework! Estimates of the Average Effect of Treating Hawaii’s Public High School Students with Economics


2009 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
09-20 Timothy J. Halliday Intra-Household Labor Supply, Migration, and Subsistence Constraints in a Risky Environment: Evidence from Rural El Salvador
09-19 Eduardo Cavallo & Ilan Noy The Economics of Natural Disasters - A Survey
09-18 Shawn Arita & Christopher Edmonds & Sumner La Croix & James Mak The Impact of Approved Destination Status on Chinese Travel Abroad: An Economic Analysis
09-17 James Mak & Christopher Sheehey & Shannon Toriki The Passenger Vessel Services Act and America’s Cruise Tourism Industry
09-16 Timothy J. Halliday & Mijung Park Household Size, Home Health Care, and Medical Expenditures
09-15 Sally Kwak & James Mak Political Economy of Property Tax Reform: Hawaii’s Experiment with Split Rate Property Taxation
09-14 Andrew Kato & Sumner La Croix & James Mak Small State, Giant Tax Credits: Hawaii’s Leap into High Technology Development
09-13 James Roumasset & Christopher Wada Renewable Resource Management with Alternative Sources: the Case of Multiple Aquifers and a "Backstop" Resource
09-12 Hui He Why Have Girls Gone to College? A Quantitative Examination of the Female College Enrollment Rate in the United States: 1955-1980
09-11 Hui He What Drives the Skill Premium: Technological Change or Demographic Variation?
09-10 Timothy J. Halliday & Hui He & Hao Zhang Health Investment over the Life-Cycle
09-09 Majah-Leah Ravago & James Roumasset Economic Policy for Sustainable Growth and Development vs. Greedy Growth and Preservationism
09-08 Timothy J. Halliday Health Inequality over the Life-Cycle
09-07 Melinda Podor & Timothy J. Halliday Health Status and the Allocation of Time
09-06 Lee Endress & Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin & James Roumasset & Basharat Pitafi Impatience and Intergenerational Equity in a Model of Sustainable Growth
09-05 Makena Coffman & Ilan Noy A Hurricane’s Long-Term Economic Impact: the Case of Hawaii’s Iniki
09-04 Makena Coffman & Ilan Noy In the Eye of the Storm: Coping with Future Natural Disasters in Hawaii
09-03 Ilan Noy & Tam Bang Vu The Economics of Natural Disasters in a Developing Country: The Case of Vietnam
09-02 James Roumasset & Christopher Wada Integrated Management of the South Oahu Aquifer System: A Spatial and Temporal Approach
09-01 Kimberly Burnett & Sumner La Croix Economic Education’s Roller Coaster Ride In Hawaii, 1956-2006


2008 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
08-10 Joshua Aizenman & Michael Hutchison & Ilan Noy Inflation Targeting and Real Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets
08-09 Ilan Noy & Aekkanush Nualsri Fiscal Storms: Public Spending and Revenues in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
08-08 Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin & James Roumasset & Thomas Kaeo Duarte & Kimberly Burnett Renewable Resource Management with Stock Externalities: Coastal Aquifers and Submarine Groundwater Discharge
08-07 Hazel Parcon Labor Market Flexibility as a Determinant of FDI Inflows
08-06 Hazel Parcon Disaggregating PTAs at the Role of International Division of Labor on PTA Formation
08-05 James Roumasset The Political Economy of Corruption: A Philippine Illustrationa
08-04 Majah-Leah Ravago & James Roumasset & Kimberly Burnett Resource management for Sustainable Development of Island Economies
08-03 Geoffrey Heal & Nori Tarui Technology diffusion, abatement cost, and transboundary pollution
08-02 Somchai Amornthum & Carl Bonham Financial Integration in the Pacific Basin Region: RIP by PANIC Attack?
08-01 Tam B. Vu & Byron Gangnes & Ilan Noy Is Foreign Direct Investment Good for Growth? Evidence from Sectoral Analysis of China and Vietnam


2007 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
07-30 Timothy J. Halliday & Sally Kwak Bad Apples, Goody Two Shoes and Average Joes: The Role of Peer Group Definitions in Estimation of Peer Effects
07-29 Timothy Halliday Income Volatility and Health
07-28 Ilan Noy & Aekkanush Nualsri What do Exogenous Shocks Tell Us about Growth Theories?
07-27 Timothy J. Halliday & Sally Kwak Identifying Endogenous Peer Effects in the Spread of Obesity
07-26 Abdul Khaliq & Ilan Noy Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Sectoral Data in Indonesia
07-25 Tam Bang Vu & Ilan Noy Sectoral Analysis of Foreign Investment and Growth In the Developed Countries
07-24 Michael M. Hutchison & Ilan Noy & Lidan Wang Fiscal and Monetary Policies and the Cost of Sudden Stops
07-23 James Roumasset & Kimberly Burnett & Hua Wang Is China’s Growth Sustainable?
07-22 Ari Van Assche & Byron Gangnes Electronics Production Upgrading: Is China Exceptional?
07-21 Sumner La Croix Decomposing and Analyzing Korea’s Declining GDP Growth: Some Cautions and Suggestions
07-20 Timothy J. Halliday & Michael Kimmitt Selective Migration and Health
07-19 Timothy J. Halliday Migration, Risk and the Intra-Household Allocation of Labor in El Salvador
07-18 Richard H. Cohen & Carl Bonham Specifying the Forecast Generating Process for Exchange Rate Survey Forecasts
07-17 Allison Zhou & Carl Bonham & Byron Gangnes Modeling the supply and demand for tourism: a fully identified VECM approach
07-16 Timothy J. Halliday Heterogeneity, State Dependence and Health
07-15 Kimberly Burnett & James Roumasset & Yacov Tsur Delaying the Catastrophic Arrival of the Brown Tree Snake to Hawaii
07-14 Kimberly Burnett & Sean D’Evelyn & Brooks Kaiser & Porntawee Nantamanasikarn & James Roumasset Beyond the Lamppost: Optimal Prevention and Control of the Brown Treesnake in Hawaii
07-13 Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin & James Roumasset & Thomas Kae’o Duarte Coastal Groundwater Management with Nearshore Resource Interactions
07-12 Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin & James Roumasset Confuser Cost
07-11 Nori Tarui & Charles Mason & Stephen Polasky & Greg Ellis Cooperation in the Commons with Unobservable Actions
07-10 Timothy J. Halliday Income Risk and Health
07-09 Timothy Halliday Mismeasured Household Size and Its Implications for the Identification of Economies of Scale
07-08 Ilan Noy & Tam B. Vu Capital Account Liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment
07-07 Ilan Noy The Macroeconomic Consequences of Disasters
07-06 Ilan Noy & Joseph P. Joyce The IMF and the Liberalization of Capital Flows
07-05 Ilan Noy & Joshua Aizenman Prizes for Basic Research -- Human Capital, Economic Might and the Shadow of History
07-04 Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin & James Roumasset Optimal Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater with Recharge and Return Flows: Dynamic and Spatial Patterns
07-03 Brooks Kaiser & James Roumasset From Rites to Rights: the Co-evolution of Political, Economic and Social Structures
07-02 James Roumasset Population and Agricultural Development
07-01 Timothy J. Halliday Migration, Risk and the Intra-Household Allocation of Labor in El Salvador


2006 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
06-14 Timothy J. Halliday Testing for State Dependence with Time-Variant Transition Probabilities
06-13 Sang Hyop Lee & Andrew Mason Who Gains from the Demographic Dividend? Forecasting Income by Age
06-12 Timothy Halliday Income Risk and Health
06-11 Carl Bonham & Richard Cohen & Shigeyuki Abe The Rationality and Heterogeneity of Survey Forecasts of the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate: A Reexamination
06-10 Timothy Halliday Bounding Expected Per Capita Household Consumption in the Presence of Demographic Change
06-09 Michael C. Kimmitt & Kimberly M. Burnett Determinants of Success in High School Economics: Lessons from the Field
06-08 Brooks Kaiser & Kimberly Burnett & James Roumasset Control of Invasive Species: Lessons from Miconia in Hawaii
06-07 Akihiko Kawaura & Sumner J La Croix The Designated Hitter Rule and Team Defensive Strategy in Japan’s Professional Baseball Leagues
06-06 Timothy Halliday The Impact of Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Income Shocks on Health Outcomes: Evidence from the PSID
06-05 Sumner J La Croix & Denise Eby Konan Have Developing Countries Gained From the Marriage Between Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property Rights?
06-04 James Roumasset The Economics of Agricultural Development: What Have We Learned? Processes
06-03 Sumner La Croix Globalization and SMEs: A Comment on Three Asian Experiences
06-02 Carl Bonham & Christopher Edmonds & James Mak The Impact of 9/11 and Other Terrible Global Events on Tourism in the U.S. and Hawaii
06-01 Timothy Halliday Identifying State Dependence in Non-Stationary Processes


2005 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
05-16 Junning Cai & PingSun Leung & James Mak Tourism's Forward and Backward Linkages
05-15 Tam Bang Vu Mankiw's Puzzle on Consumer Durables: A Misspecification
05-14 Andrew Mason & Tomoko Kinugasa Why Nations Become Wealthy: The Effects of Adult Longevity on Saving
05-13 Timothy Halliday Business Cycles, Migration and Health
05-12 Sang-Hyop Lee & Gerard Russo & Lawrence H. Nitz & Abdul Jabbar The Effect of Mandatory Employer-Sponsored Insurance (ESI) on Health Insurance Coverage and Labor Force Utilization in Hawaii: Evidence from the Current Population Survey (CPS) 1994-2004
05-11 Timothy Halliday Migration, Risk and Liquidity Constraints in El Salvador
05-10 Hong-Bum Kim & Chung Lee Financial Reform, Institutional Interdependency, and Supervisory Failure in the Post-Crisis Korea
05-09 Eric Iksoon Im & Ujjayant Chakravorty & James Roumasset Discontinuous Extraction of a Nonrenewable Resource
05-08 Paul Evans & Xiaojun Wang Is the Price Elasticity of Money Demand Always Unity?
05-07 Belton M Fleisher & Haizheng Li & Shi Li & Xiaojun Wang Sorting, Selection, and Transformation of Return to College Education in China
05-06 Paul Evans & Xiaojun Wang A Tale of Two Effects
05-05 Joshua Aizenman & Ilan Noy FDI and Trade – Two Way Linkages?
05-04 Timothy J Halliday Business Cycles, Migration and Health
05-03 Timothy J Halliday Heterogeneity, State Dependence and Health
05-02 Sang-Hyop Lee Generalists and Specialists, Ability and Earnings
05-01 Bernard Hoekman & Denise Eby Konan Deepening Egypt-US Trade Integration: Economic Implications of Alternative Options


2004 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
04-12 Chung H. Lee Economic Development in China and Its Implications for East Asia
04-11 Michael G. Plummer & Chung H. Lee Economic Development in China and Its Implications for East Asia
04-10 Hong-Bum Kim & Chung H. Lee Post-Crisis Financial Reform in Korea: A Critical Appraisal
04-09 Carl Bonham & Byron Gangnes & Ari Van Assche Fragmentation and East Asia’s Information Technology Trade
04-08 James Mak & Lonny Carlile & Sally Dai Impact of Population Aging on Japanese International Travel
04-07 Brooks Kaiser & James Roumasset Coasean Economics and the Evolution of Marine Property in Hawaii
04-06 F. Gerard Adams & Byron Gangnes & Yochanan Shachmurove Why Is China So Competitive? Measuring and Explaining China’s Competitiveness
04-05 Byron Gangnes & Ari Van Assche Modular Production Networks in Electronics: The Nexus between Management and Economics Research
04-04 Joshua Aizenman & Ilan Noy Endogenous Financial and Trade Openness: Efficiency and Political Economy Considerations
04-03 Byron Gangnes & Craig Parsons Have US-Japan Trade Agreements Made a Difference?
04-02 Ilan Noy Do IMF Bailouts Result in Moral Hazard? An Events-Study Approach
04-01 Ujjayant Chakravorty & Darrell Krulce & James Roumasset Specialization and Nonrenewable Resources: Ricardo Meets Ricardo


2002 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
02-17 Byron Gangnes & Craig Parsons Using Structural Break Tests to Evaluate Policy Change: The Impact of U.S.-Japan Trade Agreements
02-16 Yoav Wachsman A Model of Fishing Conflicts in Foreign Fisheries
02-15 Theresa Greaney Reverse Importing and Asymmetric Trade and FDI: A Networks Explanation
02-13 Sumner J. La Croix Land Tenure: An Introduction
02-12 Katerina Sherstyuk Simultaneous Ascending Auctions With Common Complementarities
02-11 Yoav Wachsman Social Sentiments and Their Effects on Communities
02-10 James A. Roumasset The Microeconomics of Agricultural Development in the Philippines
02-09 Mark A. DeWeaver & James A. Roumasset Heterogenous Human Capital in a Model of Coalitional Bargaining Between Multinational Corporations and Host Country Enterprises
02-08 Basharat A.K. Pitafi & James A. Roumasset Optimal Green Taxation With Both Emission and Commodity Taxes
02-07 Katerina Sherstyuk Some Results on Anti-Competitive Behavior in Multi-Unit Ascending Price Auctions
02-06 Mark A. DeWeaver & James A. Roumasset Risk Aversion as Effort Incentive: A Correction and Prima Facie Test of the Moral Hazard Theory of Share Tenancity
02-05 Yoav Wachsman The Effects of Group Interaction in a Public Goods Experiment With Two Exchanges
02-04 Lee H. Endress & James A. Roumasset & Ting Zhou Sustainable Growth with Environmental Spillovers: A Ramsey-Koopmans Approach
02-03 Sumner J. La Croix The Economic History of Hawai‘i: A Short Introduction
02-02 Sumner J. La Croix Liberalizing and Integrating Aviation Markets in Northeast Asia: Prospects and Perils
02-01 Sumner J. La Croix & Denise Eby Konan Intellectual Property Rights in China: The Changing Politcal Economy of Chinese-American Interests


2001 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
01-06 Peter Bardsley & Katerina Sherstyuk Rat Races and Glass Ceilings- Career Paths in Organizations
01-05 James Mak & James E.T. Moncur Interstate Migration of College Freshmen: An Economic Analysis
01-04 James Roumasset & Mark DeWeaver A Correction and Prima Facie Test of the Canonical Theory of Share Tenancy
01-03 Andrew Mason Population Change and Economic Development: What Have we Learned from the East Asia Experience?
01-02 Anthony M. Kwasnica & Katerina Sherstyuk Collusion via Signaling in Multiple Object Auctions with Complementarities- An Experimental Test
01-01 Ratna K Shrestha & Kwang Soo Cheung All That Glows Is Not Warm Glow: Private Contributions and Social Recognition


2000 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
00-13 Leanne Ma & Katerina Sherstyuk & Malcom Dowling & Oliver Hill Altruism and Voluntary Provision of Public Goods
00-12 Sang-Hyop Lee On Decomposing Changes in Male- Female Wage Gap
00-11 Magnus Blomstrum & Byron Gangnes & Sumner La Croix The Tradition of Change in Japan
00-10 F. Gerard Adams & Byron Gangnes Will Japan's Current Account Turn to Deficit?
00-09 James A Roumasset & Lee H Endress Sustainable Development Without Constraints
00-08 James A Roumasset Privatizing Public Services with Externalities: Water and Wastewater Systems
00-07 Carl S Bonham & Richard H Cohen Testing the Rational Expectations Hypothesis using Survey Data
00-06 Rodney B.W. Smith & James A Roumasset Constrained Conjunctive -Use for Endogenously Separable Water Markets: Managing the Waihole- Waikane Aqueduct
00-05 James A Roumasset Black-Hole Security
00-04 Chung H Lee & Keun Lee & Kangkoo Lee Chaebol, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of Quasi-Internal Organization in Korea
00-03 Carl S Bonham & Richard H Cohen To Aggregate, Pool, or Neither: Testing the Rational Expectations Hypothesis Using Survey Data
00-02 Kwang Soo Cheong Grade Inflation at the University of Hawaii-Manoa
00-01 Denise Eby Konan & Keith E Maskus Bilateral Trade Patterns and Welfare: An Egypt-EU Preferential Trade Agreement


1999 (download working papers by WP #)

WP # Author(s) Title
99-06 Kwang Soo Cheong Economic Crisis and Income Inequality in Korea
99-05 Brooks Kaiser & James A Roumasset Water Management and the Valuation of Indirect Environmental Services
99-04 Kwang Soo Cheong Asymmetric Information, Capital and Ownership Structures and Corporate Income Taxation
99-03 Harry Oshima & Andrew Mason Population and Inequality in East Asia
99-02 Kwang Soo Cheong A Comparison of Alternative Functional Forms For Parametric Estimation of the Lorenz Curve
99-01 Kwang Soo Cheong A Note on the Interpretation and Application of the Gini Coefficient

For earlier working paper series, check our IDEAS archive.