Working Paper Submissions
UHM Economics website has a list of recent UHM Working Papers and provides free downloads of listed papers. All papers are also uploaded to RePEc. Complete papers with detailed information dating back to 1988 are listed and can be downloaded in PDF format from our dedicated WP Series webpage on IDEAS that uses RePEc data.
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers around the world to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available.
The Department strongly encourages its faculty to register with RePEc using its author service. Views of your working paper abstracts and downloads of your working papers can then be added to the total reported for UHM Economics and will register in the site’s individual totals. Authors of UHM Economics working papers retain copyrights to their work. They may, however, not place restrictions on the downloading or distribution of working papers contributed to the series.
Submission of Working Papers
Faculty, graduate students, visiting scholars, and visiting faculty are encouraged to submit working papers to the series editor, Peter Fuleky.
Please send a PDF file of your paper, including the full names and affiliations of all authors, an abstract, and the JEL codes.
Please also submit a separate text/doc file with the following information in Courier New 11 point font along with your paper to help our webmaster coordinate with the RePEc listing.
- Paper title
- Full name and affiliation of all authors
- E-mail addresses of all authors
- An abstract
- A short list of keywords
- JEL codes
Graduate student submissions should be sponsored by a faculty member in UHM Economics. The working paper series is maintained on the departmental website by the webmaster and supervised by the series editor. Posting on the RePEc site lags the departmental posting by a few days.